On 14 December 2009, Tropical Cyclone Mick struck Fiji, bringing destructive storm force winds with average speeds of 90 to 100 kilometers per hour. Houses and other infrastructure were damaged or destroyed and low-lying and coastal areas flooded. National initial damage assessments are estimated at around FJD 25.8M (USD 13.3M).
As of 23 December, 3 evacuation centres remain open, with 76 people in temporary shelter.
Close monitoring is being done on the spread of communicable disease following the typhoon. No outbreaks have been confirmed. Current health concerns include the provision of safe water and prevention of vector-borne disease.
The population living in affected areas is 49 376. 2 deaths have been reported.
Government Response
The Government has provided food and relief supplies to affected areas and continues to liaise with all stakeholders and supporting agencies to collate reports and coordinate responses.
International Response
International partners and concerned governments have provided relief goods and financial aid to affected areas. They continue to hold meetings to coordinate the relief efforts, with the next meeting to be held on 29 January 2010.
WHO Response
WHO has provided funds for personal protective equipment and vector control chemicals. WHO has also provided financial support for post-emergency disease surveillance and the rehabilitation of health services. The WHO country office remains in close coordination with the government for the provision of further needs.
Pacific Humanitarian Team Meeting Minutes, Tropical Cyclone Mick, 23 December 2009
Tropical Cyclone Mick Situation Report 16 (23 December 2009), Ministry of Provincial Development, Multi Ethnic Affairs, National Disaster Management and Sugar, Fiji
For further information please contact:
WHO South Pacific
Mr Steven Iddings
Environmental Engineer
Tel : (679) 323 4100
Fax: (679) 323 4166
WHO Regional Office
Dr Arturo Pesigan
Tel: (632) 528 9810
Fax: (632) 528 9072