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Fast Facts: Support to Disaster Recovery Efforts



· First time that Cash-for-Work (CFW) implemented in Fiji.

· 1,209 Recipients of Cash-for-Work progarmme (74% women).

· 20-Day work generated for 343 individuals in Rakiraki and 10-Day work generated for 865 individuals in Nadi.

· 168 participants (68% Women) received Agriculture training and 177 participants (84% Women) received financial literacy training.

· 14 communities out of 29 communities established a small-scale community oriented farming ventures after the programme.

· Five out of 14 communities initiated recovery activities on their own in response to the Cyclone Evan which struck Fiji in December 2012.

· 26 CFW beneficiaries (including 24 women) started a small-scale enterprise by accessing small loans (FJD$150-500) provided from an NGO; Empower Pacific.

· AUD90,000 mobilised to expand the Cash for Work project to Nadi benefit 865 individuals.