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Australian assistance to Fiji floods

Australia will provide $100,000 in assistance to Fiji for the adverse consequences of the impact of Cyclone Mick, which caused significant damage to Fiji's main island, Viti Levu, on 14 December.

The cyclone caused heavy rainfall, strong winds and some flooding.

Fiji authorities have reported that four people have died.

Australia is concerned for the welfare of all those affected by Cyclone Mick and will offer appropriate assistance to help the people of Fiji.

This funding will provide for the immediate distribution and replenishment of relief and sanitation supplies and to help conduct damage assessments.

Our assistance will be channelled through UNICEF, the Fiji Red Cross Society and Fiji's National Disaster Management Office.

Australian officials are in regular contact with Fiji's National Disaster Management Office, non government organisations and United Nations agencies.

The funding is a further demonstration of Australia's friendship and commitment to the people of Fiji.

Australia stands ready to provide further assistance to the people of Fiji if required.

Media contacts:
Mr Smith's Office: Mary Bagnall 02 6277 7500 or 0434665067 - Departmental : 02 6261 1555