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Zone constructing over 1030 safe water facilities

Gondar, January 13, 2012 (Gondar) - Construction of over 1030 safe water facilities has been launched in 21 woredas of North Gondar Zone with over 103 million Birr, the zonal water resource development department said.

Department Head, Abraham Mengesha told ENA on Thursday that the facilities include, among others, digging of over 780 water wells and development of 250 springs.

Abraham said the facilities will benefit close to half a million people.

The government, NGOs and the public cover the cost for construction of the facilities, scheduled to be completed at the end of the current Ethiopian budget year.

The facilities will help to raise safe water service coverage to 70 per cent from the present 60 per cent in rural parts of the zone,Abraham said, adding, they will also increase the coverage to 91 per cent from the present 86 per cent in urban areas.