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Ethiopia + 1 more

WFP Ethiopia Country Brief, November 2020


In Numbers

19,500 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 2.1 m cash-based transfers made

USD 210 m (December 2020 - May 2021) net funding requirements (33 percent of the total requirement)

1.8 million people assisted in November 2020

Operational Updates

General Food Assistance

  • In the month of November, WFP has assisted 1.8 million people with food or cash assistance. These include drought and floodaffected people, internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees, and malnourished children and women.

  • The leading relief food operators - the Joint Emergency Operation for Food Assistance in Ethiopia Program (JEOP – a consortium of non-governmental organisations), the National Disaster Management Commission (NDRMC) and WFP - continued to dispatch food and cash assistance for drought and flood-affected people and IDPs under the fifth round of distributions for 2020. To date, a total of 4 million beneficiaries received food assistance through cash-based transfers (CBT) and in-kind food distributions.

  • WFP continues to carry out livelihood interventions, including the Satellite Index Insurance for Pastoralists in Ethiopia (SIIPE) and Rural Resilience Initiative “R4”; activities are temporarily halted in the Tigray Region due to the ongoing crisis. Despite the challenges posed by the invasion of desert locusts, flooding and the COVID19 pandemic, WFP managed to assist 15,500 households in the Somali Region through SIIPE and 65,000 households through the R4 initiative in Amhara and Tigray regions in 2020.

  • In November, WFP served over 707,800 refugees (375,100 women and 332,700 men) in 26 refugee camps through in-kind food and cash-based transfer (CBT). Over 11,110 metric tonnes (mt) of food were distributed and USD 714,000 transferred.

Fresh Food Voucher (FFV) initiative

  • WFP transferred the sixteenth round of vouchers to 23,300 households (120,400 individuals) in the Amhara Region. The FFV initiative supports households with pregnant and lactating women/children under two years of age to improve their access to fresh food through vouchers. It also benefits local economies.

School feeding activities

  • School year begun on 1 November, and WFP resumed feeding activities in favour of 187,000 children, ensuring safe measures are implemented in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cross-border assistance to South Sudan

  • Despite the ongoing challenges of security, floods, heavy rains and road inaccessibility, WFP continues cross-border support to South Sudan. WFP airdropped more than 2000 mt in South Sudan from Gambella.

Logistics services

  • Through the Addis Ababa Humanitarian Air Hub, managed by WFP, over 50 cubic metres of personal protective equipment was delivered November to 41 African countries on behalf of the Organization for African First Ladies of Development.