In Numbers
5.93 million people assisted
USD 2.65 million in cash-based transfers
USD 284.8 million (August 2021 - January 2022) net funding requirements
78,694 mt of food assistance distributed
Operational Updates
In July, WFP assisted 5.93 million people, including drought and floodaffected people, internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees and malnourished children and women. WFP continued round two of its emergency food assistance relief response in Tigray and Somali regions.
• In Tigray, WFP reached 1.6 million people in its first round of food distribution. In the second round, WFP has reached 857,348 people, 49 percent of its objective, owing to brief suspension of activities in the region due to insecurity.
• In the Somali region, WFP continued to provide in-kind food assistance to drought and flood-affected people and IDPs. WFP is entirely responsible for the provision of food assistance in this region and has reached 2.12 million people through its first round of food distributions under the 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan, delivering USD 1.54 million (ETB 69.4 million) in cash-based transfers (CBT) to 226,252 people in the region.
• WFP distributed 4,544 metric tons (mt) of specialized nutritious foods to 814,810 children aged 6-59 months, as well as pregnant and lactating women and girls (PLWG) through targeted supplementary feeding (TSF) for the treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM).
• Insecurity in Tigray has interrupted access to markets and services, leading to an increase in malnutrition cases among PLWG and children.
Access challenges have led to delays in humanitarian response; in July WFP reached only 30 percent of the planned targeted supplementary feeding beneficiaries.
Support to Refugees
• WFP supported 687,881 refugees with in-kind food assistance and CBT in 24 refugee camps in July. Of these, 40,904 primary school children benefited from school feeding in the 24 refugee camps.
School Feeding
• WFP reached 262,375 school children in the Afar, Amhara and Oromia Regions with 720 mt of food assistance.
Fresh Food Vouchers
• The FFV Programme supports households with pregnant and lactating women/children under 2 years of age to improve their access to fresh food and improve dietary diversity. In July, WFP conducted 2,663 beneficiary registrations for second cycle FFV release In Amhara and Afar regions.
Climate Risk Management
• To mitigate risks posed by desert locusts, flooding and climate-related factors, WFP registered 28,300 households in the Somali Region through satellite index insurance for pastoralists in Ethiopia (SIIPE). SIIPE provides livestock insurance and greater protection to pastoralists against climate risk.