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Ethiopia + 1 more

UNICEF Ethiopia South Sudanese Refugees’ Update #10 (Reporting Period 10-23 April 2014)



• As of 24 April 2014, 93,423 South Sudanese refugees have crossed the border into Gambella Region of Ethiopia. 91 per cent of the new arrivals have been relocated to the refugee camps of Leitchor, Kule, Pugnido and Okugo.

• Gambella Regional Health Bureau and health partners with the support of UNICEF continue to provide entry point vaccination at the border crossing points. 60,031 children (6 months to 15 years) were vaccinated for measles, 37,123 children (up to 5 years of age) were vaccinated for polio and 28,456 children (6 months to 5 years) received Vitamin A supplementation.

• In mid-April, a review of the regional emergency preparedness and response plan was conducted in Gambella during a two-day workshop. 40 participants from regional government sector bureaus, UN agencies and NGOs were attended the workshop. The reviewed EPRP will guide humanitarian preparedness and response in the region in 2014.