A joint (UNHCR, WFP and ARRA) annual standardised expanded nutrition survey (SENS) was conducted at Kebribeyah, Awbarre and Sheder camps from 11 to 23 Dec 2017. The three refugee camps are situated in Ethiopia Somali regional state in the Eastern part of Ethiopia.
Jijiga is the capital town of Ethiopia-Somali regional state, eastern part of Ethiopia, which is 635 km from the capital city of Addis Ababa.
The assessment entailed five standard SENS modules; Anthropometry and Health, Anaemia,
Infant and young child feeding (IYCF), Food security, Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) following the UNHCR SENS guidelines and SMART methodology. In addition to the above, mortality module was also included.
The main objective of the nutrition survey was to assess the health and nutrition status of refugees, mortality indices and articulate practical recommendations for appropriate nutrition and public health interventions.
Methodology: A cross-sectional study was applied in each refugee camps. Simple random sampling was implemented. In each refugee camp the list the sampling frame (zone and Block) and sampling unit (household) were updated before the survey. Empty households were excluded from the sampling frame.
The sample size was calculated by using ENA for SMART software version July 9th, 2015 and the prevalence of global acute malnutrition was estimated using the upper confidence interval (CI) from SENS 2016. An average of household size and under five populations were drawn from UNHCR ProGress data base (as of 31 Oct 2017). The number of households were updated a week prior to the survey when all households were counted and 10% non-response rate was used to determine the sample size.
UNHCR Standardised Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) guidelines (Version 2.0, 2013) and standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (Version July 9th 2015) were used as a reference for data collection and analysis.
A total of six survey teams composed of seven team members in each team were established.
Four-days training was carried out in Jijiga camps. Prior to the data collection, one day orientation for refugee community outreach agents, standardization, pilot survey and preparation of all materials in the camps were done. The survey teams were supported by a team of supervisors and coordinator throughout data collection.
Findings: The nutrition status of the population in the three camps remains stable. The prevalence of global acute malnutrition is below 10.0% W/H Z-score in the past three years. In 2017, SENS shows an improvement of the nutrition status of the population. While there is no statically significant difference in GAM in Awbarre and Sheder refugee camps compared to 2016, in Kebribeyah the reduction in prevalence of global acute malnutrition is significant (p<0.05) from 8.0 % (5.7-11.3%, 95% CI) to 4.4% (2.6- 7.4, 95% CI).