Ethiopia Drought Situation
-In the Somali Region, the performance of 2011 Deyr rains (October to December) is reported as satisfactory on average. Throughout November, the performance of the rains have been normal in Afdher, Liben and Korahe zones, moderate in Wardher zone, and below normal in Dhagahbour, Gode, and Fik zones. In Oromiya Region, all lowland woredas of Borena and Guji zones are receiving regular Hagaya rains. On the other hand, drought-prone woredas of East Hararghe zone (Gola, Oda and Kumbi Meyu, Midhaga Tola, Chinaksen and Gursum) and West Hararghe zone (Hawi Gudina and Burka Dhintu) are reporting a likelihood of having water shortages soon, with existing surface water sources depleting fast. The situation is being closely monitored at regional and zonal level.
-A joint assessment (conducted 16-20 November) led by the government with participation from UNICEF, WFP, Merlin, SC-UK, OWDA and WASDA, reported that Kelafo and Mustahil woredas in Gode zone in the Somali Region have been affected by flooding. Although the water began to recede as of 19 November, many villages are still under water making the areas inaccessible for humanitarian interventions. Food and non-food items (NFIs) have been prepositioned at sites where people will be able to collect them. An unknown number of people remain displaced as of late November.
-The sub-national measles campaign has extended to Amhara, Oromiya and SNNP Regions and is on-going. As of 27 November, an estimated 1,273,352 children age six months to 15 years (86% of the target for Phase I) in the three regions have been reached with measles vaccine. Of the total national target of 6.9 million children, an estimated 3.7 million have been reached so far.
Somali Refugee Situation
-According to UNHCR, as of 26 November 2011, the Somali refugee population in the four Dollo Ado camps stands at 137,572 including 7,698 people in the transit center. The average number of daily new arrivals for the period 21 to 26 November is 26.
-In response to high levels of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM), Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) and mortality rates found in the nutrition surveys for Kobe and Hiloweyn camp, a UNICEF Nutrition Specialist went on a rapid mission to Dollo Ado to get an in-depth understanding of the reasons for the nutrition situation and ways to further scale-up the current response. A follow up meeting with UNHCR on the mission findings and the survey results is being arranged early next week.
Sudanese Refugee Situation (Blue Nile State)
-According to UNHCR, as of 26 November, the registered refugee population in the two camps (Sherkole and Tongo) and the Adamazin transit center has reached 22,013.
-As the number of refugees relocating to the camps and transit center continues to increase, the capacity to use the existing facilities is being stressed. For instance, at Sherkole camp, nearly 9,000 refugees are registered which is 1,000 more than the designed capacity of the camp.