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Mission Report: Assessment of IDPs’ situation in South Wollo, Oromo Special Zone and North Shewa, Amhara Region


Executive Summary

Recent conflict in North Wello has displaced an estimated of 106,000 individuals who are currently found in 13 collective centers, mostly in school compounds in Dessie (4,500 individuals) and Kombolcha (500 individuals). more than 101,000 individuals are reportedly living in host communities according to local authorities, and the number is escalating day by day while the assessment is being carried.

OCHA led multi-agency team was tasked to conducted assessment from 23-31 August, 2021, to assess the situation and look for humanitarian assistance to the affected communities in South Wollo of Dessie and Kombolcha towns. In the meantime, the team goes down to Oromo Special Zone of Kemissie, and North Shewa zone of Ataye and Shewa Robit to conduct a follow up assessment where displacement has taken place in March, 2021.

The team was composed of, IMC, IOM, OHCHR, Plan Int. UNICEF, UNFPA, UNOCHA WFP, WHO and WVI. The team visited IDPs living in collective centers and in host communities.

A combination of direct observations, key informant interviews and focus group discussions with IDPs and selected affected population were employed. The team also met with government representatives, and host community members.

Local authorities from the city of Dessie and from DRMO requested the cluster to assist them in setting up a formal camp as they are no longer confident that the IDPs will be able to return immediately. CCCM Cluster suggested other sheltering options for them to explore first and to only consider the establishment of a formal camps as a last resort.

In Kemesie, 12,803 IDPs have been living in collective centers (schools) for the last 2 months and are unable to return immediately due to fear of possible recurrence of conflict and the loss of their shelters and livelihood in the place of origin.

In Ataye township, some 185 IDPs have been relocated from Bir-Gibi and Mahal Meda IDP sites into this Ataye Women’s Association IDP site

The following are key findings of the assessment mission

  • Main priorities in all collective sites visited were Food security, WaSH, Health/Nutrition and the shortage of suitable NFI’s including bedding materials and clothes.
  • Local authorities from the city of Dessie and from DRMO requested CCCM cluster to assist them in setting up a formal camp as they are no longer confident that the IDPs will be able to return immediately.
  • CCCM Cluster participated in the assessment mission suggested other sheltering options for them to explore first and to only consider the establishment of a formal camps as a last resort.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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