Medical Teams Assessment Team on the Ground in Tigray; Planning Underway to Provide Life-saving Medical Care to Displaced People
(Portland, OR) May 12, 2021 – The conflict in Ethiopia's Tigray region has resulted in a full-scale humanitarian emergency with medical supplies to local hospitals and clinics cut off. The crisis is impacting tens of thousands of people urgently needing treatment. To help equip local health care workers to save lives and treat serious health conditions, Medical Teams International, World Vision, and Airlink have partnered to ship medical supplies into the conflict zone.
"This partnership has the potential to save many lives by combining Medical Teams' supplies with World Vision's on the ground presence and Airlink's logistical capacity," said World Vision Ethiopia National Director Edward Brown. "Security and access constraints on roads can be overcome with this quick airlift to benefit hospitals and clinics that are in desperate need."
The shipment of supplies includes seven pallets of syringes, sterile table covers, gowns, and surgical packs. The Ethiopian Ministry of Health and World Vision plan to distribute the shipment in the Tigray region where the conflict has been centered and where medical supplies are currently scarce or nonexistent.
"The large number of Ethiopian refugees in Sudan and internally displaced people in Ethiopia are traumatized, exhausted, and in need of medical attention," said Martha Newsome, President & CEO of Medical Teams International. "Medical Teams is asking the public to come alongside us in providing compassionate medical care for those impacted. We are privileged to begin our response to this crisis by working with World Vision to help relieve suffering and save lives through these supplies."
"What's happening in the Tigray region is deeply concerning, and tragic. Airlink and our partner airline Qatar Airways are very pleased we could work with Medical Teams International and World Vision to deliver this critical humanitarian aid," said Steven J. Smith President and CEO of Airlink.
Since the violence began in Tigray in early November of 2020, more than 60,000 vulnerable Ethiopians have fled into remote areas of Eastern Sudan. The humanitarian community estimates that the conflict has displaced between 750,000 to 1.5 million Ethiopians. Many are women and children who have left their homes with few if any belongings and have endured long journeys on foot over harsh terrain.
Medical Teams is fundraising to support its response to the crisis and has an assessment team on the ground in Tigray, where needs are being assessed and plans made to provide life-saving medical care. Medical Teams has another team in Eastern Sudan, working in partnership with ZOA International to serve Ethiopian refugees fleeing the conflict in Tigray. Medical Teams is establishing a clinic in a refugee camp as well as providing support to clinics at the border between Sudan and Ethiopia.
To make a donation to Medical Teams to bring life-saving medical care to Ethiopian refugees in Sudan and internally displaced people in Tigray, visit
About Medical Teams International
Founded in 1979, Medical Teams International provides life-saving medical care for people in crisis, such as survivors of natural disasters and refugees. We care for the whole person--- physical, emotional, social and spiritual. Daring to love like Jesus, we serve all people---regardless of religion, nationality, sex or race. Learn more at and on social media using @medicalteams.
About World Vision
World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization conducting relief, development, and advocacy activities in its work with children, families, and their communities in nearly 100 countries to help them reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice. World Vision serves all people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender. For more information, please visit or on Twitter @WorldVisionUSA.
About Airlink
Airlink ( Airlink is a nonprofit organization connecting pre-screened nonprofits and the aviation sector to deliver disaster responders and supplies in the wake of humanitarian crises worldwide. Its network includes more than 130 aid organizations and 47 commercial and charter airlines. Its first mission was in response to the Haiti earthquake, and since its inception in 2010, Airlink's airline partners have flown nearly 7,000 relief workers and transported more than 3,500,000 pounds of humanitarian cargo, saving nonprofits over $12 million in air transport costs. For more information, please visit