60 MILLION Number of People Needing Assistance in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia in 2023
UN – June 2023
7.7 MILLION Number of People at Risk of Cholera in Ethiopia
UN – June 2023
970,000 Children Expected to Experience Acute Malnutrition in Kenya in 2023
IPC – February 2023
1.4 MILLION Number of Newly Displaced IDPs in Somalia During 2023
UNHCR – August 2023
1.5 MILLION Number of Refugees and Asylum Seekers Hosted by Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia
UN – May 2023
The July 17 termination of the BSGI may undermine food security outcomes and further destabilize food prices globally, including in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia.
Above-average food prices and enduring drought conditions continue to adversely affect food security and purchasing power across the Horn of Africa.
Escalating conflict in Ethiopia’s Gambella Region has displaced more than 11,700 individuals since May, according to the UN.
Conflict in Somalia’s contested Laascaanood town displaced nearly 280,000 people between February and July, a relief actor reports.