Key Issues
Ethiopia hosts the largest South Sudanese refugee population in the region, with 166,889 new arrivals registered in Gambella as of 8 July (this excludes the 46,362 pre-15 December 2013 refugee caseload in the region).
IOM relocated 148,759 refugees to camps, with 5,777 refugees awaiting relocation, mainly in Burubiey at the Matar transit center (4,314 people)
All existing camps are at or nearing full capacity. UNHCR and the Governemnt are identifying additional camp sities to accommodate the continuing influx (average daily arrival rate of 883 people).
To reduce the risk of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) in the camps, ARRA, UNHCR and partners initiated an AWD prevention strategy.
Preliminary results of the recently completed nutrition surveys in Kule 1&2 and Leitchor camps revealed GAM rates above the emergency threshold of 15 per cent.
Major gaps remain in Education in Emergency services and in transitional shelter structures - tukuls.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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