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Ethiopia + 1 more

Gambella Region: South Sudanese estimated displacement routes (as of 8 July 2014)


Key Issues

  • Ethiopia hosts the largest South Sudanese refugee population in the region, with 166,889 new arrivals registered in Gambella as of 8 July (this excludes the 46,362 pre-15 December 2013 refugee caseload in the region).

  • IOM relocated 148,759 refugees to camps, with 5,777 refugees awaiting relocation, mainly in Burubiey at the Matar transit center (4,314 people)

  • All existing camps are at or nearing full capacity. UNHCR and the Governemnt are identifying additional camp sities to accommodate the continuing influx (average daily arrival rate of 883 people).

  • To reduce the risk of acute watery diarrhoea (AWD) in the camps, ARRA, UNHCR and partners initiated an AWD prevention strategy.

  • Preliminary results of the recently completed nutrition surveys in Kule 1&2 and Leitchor camps revealed GAM rates above the emergency threshold of 15 per cent.

  • Major gaps remain in Education in Emergency services and in transitional shelter structures - tukuls.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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