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Food situation deteriorating in Ethiopia

A re-assessment of the food crisis in Ethiopia has revealed that the situation has deteriorated since January 2003, when the Ethiopian government announced that the number of people requiring food assistance increased from 10.2 million to 11.3 million, with three million of those under close monitoring. The assessment was completed in April 2003 by eight multi-agency teams.
Nutritional surveys conducted by different agencies, including ACT members, identifying acute malnutrition in different parts of the country, and have observed an increase in hunger strategies including dilution of food ration at household level, increased number of school drop-outs, increased level of social disruption including begging and theft. An alarming level of Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) was reported in Afar, Tigray, Oromia by the Special Early Warning Report.

Taking into account all the findings of the assessments and re-assessment reports of January and April 2003, Ethiopia's Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Commission (DPPC) revised the number of needy people, period of intervention and quantity of food or resources required up to the end of December 2003.

PWS&D continues to need your help to support food programs in Ethiopia through Action by Churches Together and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank.