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Ethiopia + 1 more

Ethiopia Weekly Humanitarian Bulletin, 12 May 2014


Key Events

  • 704 dengue fever cases were reported from Adhare (Adear) woreda since a dengue fever outbreak was confirmed in Afar region in the last week of March. Case management and active case search continues.

  • On-going seasonal rains are improving the water availability in drought-prone areas around the country. At present, 40 water trucks – down from 49 last week – are requested for Afar, Amhara, Oromia, Somali and Tigray regions.

  • Since the escalation of violence in Nasir town in Upper Nile State on 4 May, an increasing number of asylum seekers are crossing the Ethiopian border through Burubiey. As of 10 May, an estimated 18,000 new arrivals were registered at this entry point.


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