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Ethiopia + 3 more

Ethiopia: UNHCR Operational Update, December 2024


Everyday, for nearly 75 years, along with donors and partners, UNHCR strived to provide protection and relief to refugees. Like all our operations across the globe, UNHCREthiopia's objective is to protect, respond, empower, and solve.

We protect. Along with the government’s Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS), UNHCR has successfully assisted over 24,800 refugees in obtaining refugee ID cards with Fayda numbers. For refugees fleeing Sudan, we built shelters to host 9,000 Sudanese in Ura, Benishangul-Gumuz region.We provided over 32,000 refugee and vulnerable host community women and girls with dignity kits. With partners, we engaged in home-to-home visits and reached 183 individuals in child protection awareness sessions, provided psycho-social support to 740 children, alternative care arrangements for 22 separated children, cash support to 162 Unaccompanied and separated children, children with medical conditions, and other vulnerable children.

We respond by making sure that refugees have access to different services, including healthcare. In December alone, we conducted over 47,000 outpatient consultations in refugee health facilities, of which 8% were nationals.

We empower. Countrywide, over 177,000 refugees (44% girls) have registered and enrolled in pre-primary (28%), primary (58%) and secondary school (1%). Over 4,700 refugees and 1,600 host community persons received capacity building trainings on crop production and livestock raising, small enterprises/petty business, and financial services.

In December alone, 146 urban refugees graduated from a year-long technical and vocational training in furniture making, leatherwork, graphic design, electrical installation, caregiving, fashion design, photography, and solar installations. In line with the Ethiopian government’s pledge to expand refugees' right to work, we provided participants with the skills needed to access more sustainable livelihoods and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

We solve. Some 15,000 refugees were submitted to various countries for resettlement consideration and durable solutions. In December alone, over 2,000 refugees departed from Ethiopia, including for resettlement and through private sponsorship programs.

None of this would have been possible without the generosity of the Government of Ethiopia, hosting nearly 1.1 million refugees, sharing resources and providing a favorable framework in the context of complex crises. We are also grateful for the consistent support of our donors.