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Ethiopia: Sustainable water harvesting and institutional strengthening in Amhara (SWHISA)

Planned Project Summary Information

Project number: A-030451

Branch: Africa

Country: Ethiopia

CIDA's ODA Priorities:

100% 0104 - Food and nutrition

CIDA's Sectors:

10% 031110 - Agricultural policy and administrative management

10% 031130 - Agricultural land resources

30% 031140 - Agricultural water resources

10% 031161 - Food crop production

30% 031166 - Agricultural extension

10% 031181 - Agricultural education/training

Project Approval Date: November 2004

Anticipated Project Duration: to June 2011

Estimated Project Value: $15.0M to $19.99M

Project Implementation: Competitive selection for a Canadian Executing Agency completed.

Competitive Contracts during the implementation of this project: One Project Monitor to cover both SWHISA and one other agriculture project (Improving Productivity and Market Success of Ethiopian Farmers). See also pipeline notice for A-032142.

Estimated value of the contract for the Project Monitor: $480,000 (to cover both projects).

Probable Publication Date on MERX: July 2005

Project Description: Sustainable Water Harvesting and Institutional Strengthening in Amhara (SWHISA): The goal of the project is to increase sustainable agricultural production through improved water management. The purpose of the project is to strengthen the capacity of institutions involved in water harvesting and agriculture in Amahara to work together effectively to strengthen farmers' associations, communities, male and female farmers and families to plan, design, implement and manage sustainable water harvesting and the use of water for irrigated agricultural production.

The key Ethiopian partern institutions involved in water harvesting in Amhara region are the Bureau of Water Resources Development, (BoWRD), Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development (BoARD), Amhara Regional Agricultural Research Institute (ARARI), Bureau of Cooperatives Promotion (BoCP), and their respective representatives at the woreda (district) level. A competitively-selected consortium comprised of Hydrosult Inc, Agrodev Canada Inc and Oxfam Canada undertook a design phase of the project in partnership with the Amhara institutions, including the development of a detailed Project Implementation Plan. The implementation phase of the project began in February 2005 and is expected to finish in 2011.

Project Impact: Increased sustainable food security through improved water harvesting, irrigated agriculture and land management.

Project Outcomes:

- 1000 Improved knowledge and skills of farm families and Community Based Organizations in household water harvesting, irrigated agriculture and watershed management;

- 2000 Development of sustainable individual and community-owned water harvesting and irrigation schemes;

- 3000 Strengthened woreda agencies and the development of an integrated institutional platform at that level;

- 4000 Strengthened regional institutions and inter-agency cooperation;

- 5000 Strengthened sector agency coordination and cooperation;

- 6000 Efficient and effective management of the project.

Project Outputs:

1.1.Farmer Focus Groups established/strengthened;

1.2. Woreda and partner institutions' capacity for developing skills of farm families strengthened;

1.3.Utilization of water harvesting improved;

1.4.On-farm use of irrigated agriculture production techniques improved;

1.5.Watershed management strengthened;

1.6.Women participating in water harvesting and irrigated agriculture;

2.1.Improved study/design of sustainable irrigation schemes;

2.2. Water Users Assoc. established;

2.3. Improved quality of irrigation schemes construction;

2.4.Improved environmental rehabilitation;

2.5.Pilot schemes tested;

2.6.Capacity for study/design of water harvesting systems strengthened;

2.7.Household water harvesting schemes constructed;

2.8.Household capacity improved;

3.1.Improved cooperation/partnership between stakeholders;

3.2.Woreda organizational functions, systems and outputs strengthened;

3.3.Woreda HR practices, skills, performance, motivational tools and feedback mechanisms improved;

3.4.Woreda work methods expanded, and hard/software improved;

4.1.BoWRD's organizational function, structure, systems and outputs strengthened;

4.2.BoWRD's HR practices, skills, tools and feedback mechanisms improved;

4.3.BoWRD's work methods expanded, physical environment and hard/software improved;

4.4.ARARI's organizational function, systems and outputs strengthened;

4.5.ARARI's HR practices, skills, tools and feedback mechanisms improved;

4.6.ARARI's work methods expanded, physical environment modified and hard/software situation improved;

4.7.BoARD's organizational function, systems and outputs strengthened;

4.8.BoARD's HR practices, skills, tools and feedback mechanisms improved;

4.9.BoARD's work methods expanded, and hard/software improved;

5.1.Coordination and cooperation among SWHISA collaborators improved;

5.2.BoCP strengthened;

5.3.Strategic plan for water harvesting schemes developed;

5.4.Water Resource Information Base developed and made operational;

5.5.Operational Research;

6.1.Resources managed/administered;

6.2.Activities managed/coordinated;

6.3. Plans/reports produced/executed;

6.4.Testing and demonstration of schemes managed/executed;

6.5. Project performance monitoring executed.

Development Officer: Janet Durno, 819-997-7824

Internet Publication Date: July 7, 2005

Last Update: N/A (First publication)