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Ethiopia Monthly Market Watch February 2014



  • The year to year general inflation rate rose by 7.9%; food inflation by 4.7% and non-food by 11.4%. Compared to February 2013, the total price index of bread and cereals has increased by 3.6% which contributed to the rise in the indices of food and general consumer price index.

  • The Ministry of Trade has made adjustment on retail selling prices of fuel at the beginning of February 2014. The retail prices of regular (benzene) increased by 5.3%, gasoline by 6.9% and kerosene by 10.5% in all gas stations operate in the capital, Addis Ababa.

  • The import parity price of maize at Addis Ababa stood higher than the local wholesale price by about 67% while wheat price stood below local price by 2%. The prices spread for maize keep diverging while that of wheat converged and stood at the same level.

  • In spite of the general cereal retail prices stability, a month to month price increases higher than the lower limits were observed in many monitored markets located in the eastern, south, south east and northern parts of the country. The stability of cereal prices was also observed in relief cash woredas where the transfer modality is market based response, cash.