Compared to April 2013, country level general inflation rate increased by 9.1%; food inflation by 8% and non-food by 10.3%. Of the food index components, higher increase in indices were observed on: meat (12%), vegetables and pulses, potatoes and tubers (14.1%) and Non-Alcoholic beverages and coffee by (16.6%).
The import parity price of maize at Addis Ababa was 51% higher than local wholesale whilst wheat price stood 19% below the local price. Compared to March 2014, the import parity prices of maize (Durban) increased slightly (2%) and remained the same for wheat (Black sea).
The nominal wholesale prices of staple cereals rose at varied levels both at the sources and distribution center markets. The level of increases reached the maximum of 16% for maize at Shashemene and for wheat 22% at Bale Robe. Comparatively, the increase of prices on teff and sorghum were lower.
The prices of locally produced and imported cereals showed increased trends in April against the preceding month. These trend of prices could stretch the incomes of poor and very poor households’ who devote higher proportion of their income to food expenditure