The death toll continues to rise after the landslides triggered by heavy rainfall that occurred on 21-22 July in Gezei Gofa Woreda of Gofa Zone (South Ethiopia Region, south-western Ethiopia).
According to media, at least 229 people have died while the Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC) reports 600 people have been displaced due to the events.
The Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission is providing humanitarian assistance to the victims with food and non-food items.
The ERCC has received an urgent request for assistance from UNEP/OCHA Joint Environment Unit (JEU), asking the Union Civil Protection Mechanism to deploy one environmental expert in Ethiopia tu support the response to the landslides. The DG-ECHO funded Ethiopia Cash Consortium is activating its crisis modifier to provide urgent support to the most vulnerable.
On 25-26 July, light to moderate rain with localized thunderstorms is expected across the Gofa district.