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Ethiopia - Joint Report: Liban Zone Drought Multi-Agency Rapid Assessment - 15-26 June 2022


Key Highlights

  • Livestock disease, mulnutrion trends on the rise with aggravating factors
  • About 450, 270 IDP HHs reported to have arrived Karsadula, G/damole from Oromia respectively
  • Operationalization of two drilled boreholes in Karsadula maintenance of main Filtu water supply system, Water trucking for 71,000 HHs across the zone needed.
  • Erosion of resilience of host communities ,high inflation, food insecurity persists.
  • High inflation rate is more pronounced for woredas along the border with Somalia and Kenya, Water borne diseases malnutrition, malaria, skin infection, typhoid, measles, are among top diseases in liban zones. Possibilities of emergency water borne diseases outbreaks likely.
  • Dollo Ado, Bokolmanyo woredas irrigation farmers who lost a bout 210 irrigation pumps in the flood of 2020 have not recovered from asset loss to support their livelyhoods.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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