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Ethiopia Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (JMMI): July, 2022



The aim of the Ethiopia JMMI is to provide regular, reliable information on prices and market functionality through the use of harmonised tools and validated analysis. The Ethiopia JMMI is a joint exercise led by REACH (ACTED's initiative) in close collaboration with Ethiopia Collaborative Cash Delivery (CCD)
Network members. This initiative aims to collaboratively develop an evidence base for the wider use of cash and voucher assistance (CVA), as well as facilitate discussions of changes in critical market dynamics, which are an integral part of cash feasibility considerations.
With uniform methodology, CCD members collect data from their respective areas of operation on a voluntary basis. CCD members formed a JMMI taskforce which reviews and validates the collected data. The geographical coverage of the exercise depends on the access of CCD members to priority areas of the country and their ability to collect data from these areas consistently.
Information is collected via key informant interviews (KIIs) with retail vendors in markets frequented by average households. For commodity prices and stock levels, the median prices/stock levels are calculated for each item within each assessed woreda. National and regional medians are calculated by a second median across all of the woreda-level medians calculated across the country or region. Data for this JMMI round was collected between 4 and 14 July 2022 and is strictly indicative.