Inter-communal conflict in bordering woredas of Benishangul Gumuz and Oromia region which was started in 2018 has displaced many from their place of residence in Kamashi and along boarder areas of East and West Wollega zones. After government launched IDPs return process in 2019, multiple displacement has been reported due to fear of insecurity and protection issues in the place of return. In 2021, a renewed conflict in Kamashi zone of Benshanul Gumuz, mainly by UAGs, resulted in new crisis displacing many to the nearby East and West Wollega zones. According to zonal DRM as of November 19, 2021, there are 23,074 households (136,565 people) are reported displaced and located in 12 woredas in East and West Wollega zones.
Assistance to more than 127,000 people is not provided except few partners engaged in multi-sectoral response efforts. Although IDPs have multiple priorities, food remain critical that require government active response to meet their need and further prevent health related crisis. Currently several partners including FIDO, UNHCR, IOM, ANE and IRC are implementing responses in the zones.
With the purpose to assess cash feasibility and respond to the needs in the zones, IOM in coordination with Action for the Needy in Ethiopia (ANE) organized cash and market assessment in East and West Wollega zones. Hence this joint assessment report provides overview of cash feasibility, market condition and the needs of IDPs in the zones.