Since the launch of the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework (CRRF) in Ethiopia in late 2017, and the regional launch in Gambella in May 2018, progress continues to be made.
The Gambella Regional Government, ARRA, leaders of ethnic communities, youth leaders, the private sector, and the general populace are increasingly understanding and embracing the CRRF. Resources continue to be invested in hosting areas by the Government of Ethiopia (GoE), donors and UN agencies, NGOs and Civil Society. Throughout 2019 there has been an increase in demand for awareness-raising and updates on the pledges – which publication of this report will help address. Overall, Gambella shows positive developments as compared to 2018, when there was less support on the concept and vision of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) and the CRRF.
Since that time, many development partner interventions have progressed or started up in Gambella, including substantial investments through the programmes DRDIP and BSRP, as well as UNDP. The presence of refugees has put more pressure on public services and existing infrastructure. While UNHCR and others are continuing to address humanitarian needs in the camps, partners are investing in development and peaceful co-existence to enhance the relationship between refugees and their hosting communities.
Education: Considerable improvements were made – including an impressive neardoubling of secondary education enrolment from 2018 to 2019. The Gross Enrolment Rate (GER) for primary is 79% vs the Roadmap target of 75%, and for secondary 24% - nearing the 25% target. Pre-primary GERs still remain below target. The DRC Vocational Training Centre graduated 191 youth. In total, 1,390 refugee students benefiting from DAFI and ARRA scholarships have been enrolled in tertiary education - the students attending tertiary education in Oromia, SNNP, Gambella,
Benishangul-Gumuz, Amhara and Tigray regions. For the first time, investments were made by academic for online / e-education for refugees and host communities.
Work and Livelihoods: Irrigable land: There was increased interest from the authorities and communities in Gambella on exploring possibilities for irrigable land for joint host / refugee projects. Regional authorities and community leaders visited Melkadida on an agricultural study tour and commenced to consider where such an approach could be applied in the region. For other livelihood opportunities, assessments continued, and vocational skills and business entrepreneurship development trainings benefited refugees and host community members. Some cooperatives were established.
Documentation: 1,947 vital event registrations were completed for refugees.
Private banks opened accounts for 30 refugee women in Pugnido and Okugo camps.
Social and Basic Services Health: Refugees have received primary health care, TB, RH, HIV and other medical services and were included in routine and mass immunization campaigns as part of the national response.
Water: The Itang water supply utility is an integrated system serving both refugees and host communities, suppling water for three (3) refugee camps (more than 200,000 population) and around 25,000 hosts.
Out of Camp and Local Integration Pledges: Refugees in Gambella region have not benefited from this policy in 2019. 5,211 refugees in Pugnido have lived in Ethiopia for over 20 years and could qualify for OCP. However, refugees have had the opportunity to enrol in universities outside the camps (as noted above).