Food security likely to deteriorate in eastern parts of the country
• According to the Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD) released on February 28, about 2.5 million people are food insecure and in need of humanitarian assistance between now and June. Households requiring assistance are concentrated in Afar, Oromia, and Somali Regions.
• Below normal to normal March to May Belg/Gu/Genna/Sugum rains are forecasted over much of northeastern and southeastern regions. Poor rains in pastoral areas means that pasture availability will remain poorer than usual and water sources will not fully refill, leading most pastoral areas to be classified in Crisis (IPC Phase 3) from April to June.
• Following two consecutive, poorly-distributed rainy seasons and a well below average Meher harvest in October/November 2012, East and West Hararghe Zones have deteriorated into Crisis (IPC Phase 3). Households have limited stocks from the harvest, and income from key sources including livestock sales, chat sales, and casual labor have declined.