Summary of major revisions made to emergency plan of action:
Through this Operations Update, Ethiopia Red Cross Society (ERCS) seeks to extend the operational timeframe by an additional two months (New end date: 23 February 2018) to enable completion of procurement of Emergency Shelter/NFI kits. ERCS also seeks approval to reallocate 27,773.41Swiss francs planned for the “Inception workshop”, “monitoring and distribution” and “transportation” budget lines to offset the projected over expenditure under ES/NFI procurement caused by increase in prices on the local market.
It should be highlighted that the assistance to beneficiaries has been provided using NS pre-positioned stocks and the pending procurements will enable the ERCS to replenish the distributed items. The first activity which is not done as per the plan is the inception workshop which was planned to be conducted in Oromia and Afar regions. The planned inception workshop was not conducted since ERCS directly conducted the distribution considering the urgency of the need for ES/NFIs for the displaced people.
A. Situation analysis
Description of the disaster
In Ethiopia, rainfall attributed to the Kiremt rains, which began on 8 September 2017 has led to extensive flooding. The Ambeira zone in Afar region, and special zones surrounding Addis Ababa (the capital), Jima, South-east Shewa, and South-west Shewa in the Oromia region have been worst affected by the rains and flooding. It is estimated that a total of 18,628 households (HHs) (93,140 people) have been affected, of which 7,270 HHs (36,350 people) have been displaced.
In the background of the recent floods, the situation has been complicated further by an escalation in the civil unrest along the Oromo and Somali border, which stretches more than 1,000km. Ethnic clashes have led to the displacement of more than 45,000 HHs (225,000 people) from Oromia and Somali regions, including into the neighbouring Hareri region. The floods and conflict has affected in the same areas in Oromia and Somali regions therefore creating a complex situation