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Ethiopia: Floods Emergency Appeal No MDRET003 Final Report


Period covered by this Final Report: 18 August 2006 to 30 September 2007;

Appeal target (current): CHF 3.7 million: (USD 3 million or EUR 2.3 million);

Final Appeal coverage: 68%;

Appeal history:

- A preliminary Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 18 August 2006 for CHF 1,112,299 (USD 902,000 or EUR 707,000) for 6 months to assist 9,000 beneficiaries;

- Operations Update no.1 was issued on 23 August 2006;

- Operations Update no.2 issued on 26 August 2006 focused on the North and South Gonder zones;

- A Revised Emergency Appeal was launched on 6 September 2006 for CHF 5,212,634 (USD 4.2 million or EUR 3.2 million) to assist 25,000 beneficiaries for 9 months;

- Operations Update no.3 issued on 18 September 2006 increased the number of targeted beneficiaries to 45,000 (9,000 families);

- Operations Update no.4 issued on 29 September 2006 focused on acute watery diarrhoea (AWD);

- Operations Update no.5 issued on 29 November 2006 reduced the appeal budget from CHF 5.2 million (USD 4.2 million or EUR 3.2 million) to CHF 3.7 million (USD 3million or EUR 2.3 million).

The update also reported on new floods in Somali Region;

- Operations Update no.6 issued on 19 May 2007 extended the appeal timeframe for 2 months (until 30 September 2007);

- CHF 294,000 was initially allocated from the Federation's Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to support the Ethiopian Red Cross Society (ERCS) in responding by delivering rapid assistance.