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Ethiopia: Flash Update #2 - Seismic Situation in Afar and Oromia (as of 10 January 2025)


  • The Government is evacuating over 60,000 people from high-risk areas to safer locations. The evacuations are taking place amid ongoing tremors, in hilly areas experiencing rockfalls, near a site emitting ash since 2 January, and around a major dam.
  • A comprehensive humanitarian response is underway, but significant gaps remain.
  • Government-led zonal Incident Command Posts (ICP) have been established in Awash (Afar Region) with OCHA and Cluster staff embedded to streamline coordination; and in Metehara (Oromia Region).
  • UN and NGO partners are supporting the government-led response. A multi-sector initial rapid assessment (MIRA) started on 8 January and will provide a clearer understanding of the affected population at each site, as well as the scale of loss and damage.
  • Scientific assessments continue, but predictions remain uncertain. The cumulative impact of these earthquakes underscores the urgent need to evaluate and address infrastructure vulnerabilities.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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