Period covered by this Ops Update: 5 August 2011 to 5 February 2013 (initial 18 months of the operation).This update represents a eighteen-month summary of the operation (cumulative narrative and financial).
Appeal target (current): CHF 12,258,426
Appeal coverage: 85%
Appeal history:
· A Preliminary Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 5 August 2011 for CHF 10,978,250 for 6 months to assist 165,000 beneficiaries.
· In the same month, CHF 200,000 was allocated from the IFRC Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to start this operation.Unearmarked funds from the Appeal have been used to reimburse this DREF allocation.
· An Operations Update no.1 was published on 30 August 2011 informing on the deployment of a multi-assessment team to the affected region of Moyale. The deployment of a High Level Coordinator for the Horn of Africa Food Security Crisis resulted in a significant scale up of the Red Cross/Red Crescent operations and revisions of the existing appeal at that time, as noted below.
· A Revised Emergency Appeal was published on 26 September 2011 for CHF 28,408,085 (CHF 25,408,085 plus CHF 3,000,000 for bilateral emergency response support) to assist approximately 570,000 beneficiaries for 12 months in Oromia, Afar and Somali regions.
· An Operations Update no.2 was published on 24 October 2011 informing on the latest developments.
· In December 2011, a second ERCS/IFRC/PNS multi-disciplinary assessment team completed a “Follow up Drought Assessment for Afar” and circulated to partners.
· An Operations Update no.3 was published on 14 March 2012, reporting on further progress. Target beneficiary numbers were adjusted to reflect estimates at the time of finalising the Plan of Action(PoA) for this Appeal.
· A Special “Early Warning Update Sitrep” for both the Ethiopia Drought and Population Movements was issued on end March 2012
· A 6-months summary update was published on 4 April 2012 to give a summary of the operation progress.
· A Revised Emergency Appeal was published on 28 December 2012 reducing the budget from CHF 25,408,085 to CHF 12,258,426 and extending the operational timeframe for 12 months to 31 August 2013.
· A 12-months-summary update was published on 28 December 2012 to satisfy reporting requirements and is based on information provided in the recent emergency appeal revision indicated above.
· Summary: This 18-months summary update reports on progress against the appeal activities up until 5 February 2013. It also includes information from the revised Plan of Action (PoA) produced from a review workshop and discussions between IFRC, ERCS and PNS. This Operational Update includes an appendix that provides the previous log frames as per the revised emergency appeal of 28 December 2012 and indicates the activities that have been removed as a result of the amendments to the PoA developed. The report details the overall progression of the Ethiopia Drought Appeal from the initial Preliminary Appeal launch in August 2011 for CHF 10,978,250, through to the Revised Appeal issued on 28 December 2012; to the current situation. It is not intended to revisit all the details which have been reported on in previous operation updates, situation reports and the published revised appeal available on IFRC’s website.
This operational update will give a summation of the overall progress to date against the appeal objectives and activities. It will also give an overview of the revised PoA developed from February to May 2013 through a joint workshop and subsequent discussions held between IFRC regional and country office teams, ERCS and Partner National Societies (PNS). The PoA was revised in response to an acknowledgment of the slow implementation of activities since the beginning of the drought appeal launch and the need to draw up a realistic PoA for the remaining appeal timeframe, to enable ERCS prioritise activities to be implemented until the end of August 2013.
A summary of the activities completed in the intervention areas of food relief and non-food distributions, emergency health and care, water and sanitation and organisational development since the beginning of the operation launched in August 2011 is given below:
Food Assistance and Security activities: In July 2012 the food assistance objective was fully met and all the planned food distributions completed in eight distribution rounds. Post distribution interviews were carried out independently by both the Disaster Risk Management and Food Security Sector (DRMFSS) and ERCS and recorded a high level of acceptance and appreciation for the content quality and quantity of the food despite the delay in delivery. In addition, a further group of 5,000 highly vulnerable pregnant and lactating mothers not originally in the Red Cross PoA, but within the drought appeal area, were accepted for supplementary feeding support.
Water and Sanitation Activities: Internal management limitations and challenges have had a very negative impact on the delivery of the WatSan objective. The Swedish/Danish/Austrian consortium expressed concerns over this and in response ERCS revised the specific PoA related to the Water Package 1 in October/November 2012. Against this plan, ERCS committed to implement the revised activities by the end of December 2012. ERCS was unable to complete all activities against the revised plan but there was a noted surge in implementation. Achievements include the training of 25 PHAST ToTs and the distribution of 1,720 water filters and 1,111 sanplats to beneficiaries. Eight boreholes were also drilled although two sites were dry without water, and the six boreholes with water require the installation of pumps. At the time of a monitoring visit led by the IFRC WatSan Delegate in January 2013, three water points had been rehabilitated but only one water point in Harodimtu was reported working. Against water harvesting in schools four out of seven systems were partly installed.
Due to the agreement between ERCS, Consortium partners and IFRC to complete the activities by the end of December 2012, Consortium Water Package one has been removed from the appeal and revised PoA.
Implementation against IFRC Water Package two in Moyale and IFRC Water Package three in Afar will fully commence with the new PoA. The water packages focus on the refurbishment of water points, the installation of rain water harvesting systems, distribution of water filters to households, construction of family and school latrines and hygiene promotion activities. The procurement of water purification powder, in line with the new PoA, has been completed.
The bilaterally managed German Red Cross Water Package in Bale, Oromia region has reported progress through water supplies being designed and hygiene promotion activities being conducted. The Swiss Red Cross bilateral water project has been terminated.
Health Activities: Since the distribution of 50,000 long lasting insecticide nets (LLIN) in the Guji and Borena zones, community sensitization on the correct use of LLIN with malaria prevention messages has been conducted through volunteers. ECV ToT training was conducted in October and December 2012 (55 participants) and PHAST ToT was also conducted in September and November 2012 (50 participants). Additionally, four master trainers were trained on CBHFA in June 2012.
Organisational Development: The ERCS Deputy Secretary General for Organisational Development continues to address the NS’s approach in strengthening branches and three levels of re-staffing was completed for ERCS’s new management organogram. IFRC designed and coordinated an induction course for 30 new senior ERCS local staff. The IFRC PMER delegate has been working with ERCS on reports due for the drought operation and will work with an ERCS PMER counterpart once assigned. Two desktop computers were procured and delivered to the branch in Afar to build the office capacities.
The IFRC, on behalf of the Ethiopia Red Cross Society, would like to extend thanks to all partners for their generous contributions.