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Ethiopia + 2 more

Ethiopia: Drought (MDRET010): Operation update n°7


Period covered by this Ops Update: 5 February 2013 to 30 of June 2013.

Appeal target (current): CHF 12,258,425

Appeal coverage: 85%

Appeal history:

  • A Preliminary Emergency Appeal was initially launched on 5 August 2011 for CHF 10,978,250 for 6 months to assist 165,000 beneficiaries.
  • In the same month, CHF 200,000 was allocated from the IFRC Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) to start this operation.Unearmarked funds from the Appeal have been used to reimburse this DREF allocation.
  • An Operations Update n°1 was published on 30 August 2011 informing on the deployment of a multi-assessment team to the affected region of Moyale. The deployment of a High Level Coordinator for the Horn of Africa Food Security Crisis resulted in a significant scale up of the Red Cross/Red Crescent operations and revisions of the existing appeal at that time, as noted below.
  • A Revised Emergency Appeal was published on 26 September 2011 for CHF 28,408,085 (CHF 25,408,085 plus CHF 3,000,000 for bilateral emergency response support) to assist approximately 570,000 beneficiaries for 12 months in Oromia, Afar and Somali regions.
  • An Operations Update n°2 was published on 24 October 2011 informing on the latest developments.
  • In December 2011, a second ERCS/IFRC/PNS multi-disciplinary assessment team completed a “Follow up Drought Assessment for Afar” and circulated to partners.
  • An Operations Update n°3 was published on 14 March 2012, reporting on further progress. Target beneficiary numbers were adjusted to reflect estimates at the time of finalising the Plan of Action (PoA) for this Appeal.
  • A Special “Early Warning Update Sitrep” for both the Ethiopia Drought and Population Movements was issued on end March 2012
  • A 6-months summary update was published on 4 April 2012 to give a summary of the operation progress.
  • A Revised Emergency Appeal was published on 28 December 2012 reducing the budget from CHF 25,408,085 to CHF 12,258,426 and extending the operational timeframe for 12 months to 31 August
  • A 12-months-summary update was published on 28 December 2012 to satisfy reporting requirements and is based on information provided in the recent emergency appeal revision indicated above.

  • An 18-months summary update was published on 27 June 2013 after the revised Plan of Action (POA) was finalised in May 2013. The POA was drawn following a review workshop and subsequent discussions between IFRC, ERCS and PNS. In addition to informing on changes made to the POA, the operational update reported on progress against the appeal activities up until 5 February 2013 and included an appendix to provide previous log frames as per the revised emergency appeal of 28 December 2012 and inform on activities that have been removed as a result of the amendments to the PoA developed. To note, activity implementation was on stand-by between February and mid-May following the finalisation of the POA.

  • This Operations Update n° 7 reports on the progress of activities against the revised POA from 17 May to 30 June 2013 and extends the operation for 1 month for the purpose of carrying out a final evaluation, including lessons learned, and reporting. The operation will therefore be completed by end September, 2013; a Final Report will be made available three months after the end of the operation (by 31 December, 2013.