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Ethiopia + 1 more

Ethiopia: Drought - Emergency appeal n° MDRET010 Final Report


Summary: On 5 August 2011 IFRC and ERCS launched the Preliminary Drought Emergency Appeal for CHF 10,978,250 to assist 165,000 beneficiaries with humanitarian assistance over 6 months. To address increasing needs at the time, the appeal was revised on 26 September 2011 to 28,408,085 CHF (25,408,085 CHF plus 3,000,000 CHF for bilateral emergency response support) to assist approximately 570,000 beneficiaries over 12 months in Oromia, Afar and Somali regions. The appeal expanded due to the National Society wanting to focus more on activities with longer term and sustainable impact on affected and vulnerable communities, including early recovery and disaster risk reduction interventions. However, the appeal was later revised down due to the changing context of the drought affected regions, including the removal of activities in Dolo Ado as needs were being met by other agencies. The Revised Appeal was published on 28 December 2012 reducing the budget from CHF 25,408,085 to CHF 12,258,425 and extending the operational timeframe for 12 months to 31 August 2013.

Between February and May 2013, a review process with the IFRC Nairobi Regional Office led to a revised plan of action being developed with the national society. The review focused on the current status of the remaining activities, challenges experienced and the support the NS required to complete the operation within the remaining implementation timeframe. This was due to an acknowledgement of the slow implementation pace of the operation and to prioritise activities to be implemented over the remaining appeal timeframe. The appeal was also extended by one month to September 2013, in order for the final evaluation of the operation to be conducted within the appeal timeframe.

The two evaluations carried out in the course of the Drought operation concluded that despite the many challenges and delays experienced throughout the course of its implementation, the ERCS was able to realise notable achievements, particularly the provision of much needed assistance in the sectors of emergency health, WatSan, and food aid distribution. Results from the Evaluation also indicated that the health intervention, whose overall was to contribute to a reduction in morbidity and mortality due to Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) and other hygiene related diseases amongst populations living in the drought and disaster affected areas of Moyale and Afar Regions, was highly relevant and appropriate. The Evaluation also highlighted the importance of implementation of the health activities through use of ERCS volunteers and their inclusion in the CBHFA and ECV trainings as effective and allowed a potential continuity as these persons are strong and trustworthy members of their communities, were nominated by their own communities, have solid ties to the areas and are therefore more likely to continue with activities once the project concluded.

To improve the accessibility of drinking water for school going children, 6 rain-water catchment roofs (rain harvesting devices) were purchased and installed satisfactorily in 6 school grounds in Somalie Moyale.
Each catchment roof has a capacity of 10,000 cubic meters. Over 8,387 school children and teachers are expected to benefit from the initiative.ERCS provided training to 3 people per school to oversee and manage the water systems in each school. This intervention at school sites has the double value of water provision for students during and for a short time after the rains but also encourages the students’ learning of proper exploitation of scarce resources.

Over 8,744 community members are benefiting from the 3 spring-water wells (Ellas) which were satisfactorily rehabilitated in Oromia Moyale (1 well in Oromia Moyale and two wells in Somalie).
Rehabilitation works on the wells started in July and were completed in August 2013.

Logistical support was provided to all areas of the operation to facilitate the smooth implementation of activities. This included using the logistics plan and IFRC facilitating the procurement of agreed operational items directly from Dubai including ambulances, GPS maps and surveying equipment for Watsan construction activities.