This CFSVA makes use of the nationwide, multi-topic Welfare Monitoring Survey (WMS) and Household Consumption and Expenditure Survey (HCE) with the aim of providing a rigorous analysis of the levels of food insecurity and its underlying causes. WFP food security and vulnerability modules were incorporated into the WMS survey instruments to compliment the data.
WMS data collection took place in April - June 2011 while HCE data collection took place over one year from July 2010 - July 2011. Both covered all rural and urban areas of the country except the three non-sedentary zones of Afar and six zones of the Somali Region. They were designed to provide estimates at regional, rural and urban levels. Approximately 96% of the households interviewed for the WMS were also participants in the HCE survey. Key indicators from the HCE survey were merged into the WMS database to provide additional insights into poverty and food security which form the basis of the CFSVA analysis.
The Ethiopia CFSVA is a joint publication between the Ethiopia Central Statistical Agency and WFP. This is the first CFSVA in Ethiopia.