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Ethiopia + 6 more

Ethiopia - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #1, Fiscal Year (FY) 2013



· Although the recent good performance of seasonal rainfall has enhanced water and pasture availability in most drought-prone areas of Ethiopia, populations in some belg-producing parts of eastern Ethiopia will likely continue to experience Crisis—Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) 3—level food insecurity through June due to delayed and poorly distributed February-to-May 2013 belg rains and resulting planting disruptions.

· As of February, approximately 2.48 million people in Ethiopia faced acute food insecurity, according to the GoE. Approximately 39 percent of acutely food-insecure populations reside in Somali Region, while 34 percent reside in Oromiya Region.

· To date in FY 2013, the USG has provided nearly $150.8 million to address the needs of vulnerable populations across Ethiopia, including approximately $134.8 million in USAID/FFP emergency food assistance for drought-affected and refugee populations. In addition, USAID/OFDA has provided more than $7.8 million to support humanitarian activities—including agriculture and food security, health, nutrition, and WASH interventions—in Ethiopia, while State/PRM has provided nearly $8.2 million in assistance for refugees and other vulnerable populations.