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Ethiopia: Child Protection/Gender Based Violence Sub Cluster - Child Protection Situation and Response Monitoring Framework, February 2016


1. Introduction

The Ethiopian Federal Child Protection/GBV Sub-Cluster has initiated the implementation of the situation and response monitoring system for the drought response. The system allows coordinated measurement of the response as well as systematic and real-time analysis of the child protection issues and capacities.

The Bureau of Women and Children Affairs (BOWCA) in the regions of Afar, Amhara, Oromia, Somali and the Bureau of Labour and Social Affairs (BOLSA) in Tigray conducted with UNICEF support, the Child Protection Rapid Assessment (CPRA). The assessment aimed at understanding the impact of the drought on the child protection situation and defines the required course of action.

Based on the preliminary findings of the CPRA and in line with the Protection Cluster chapter of the Humanitarian Requirements Document (HRD), a set of minimum child protection and GBV services have been defined to guide the process of developing the operational plan of the CP/GBV Sub-Cluster at the regional and Federal level. The minimum package of services comprises of 1) Strengthening community structures, 2) Response to child protection cases (including GBV) through strengthened case management services, 4) Identification, documentation, family tracing and reunification and alternative care arrangement, 4) Prevention of child protection issues through community mobilization, 5) Support children and caregivers to cope with the distress through psychosocial support, 6) Strengthen the technical capacity of MOWCA, BOWCAs, CP coordination mechanisms and frontline workers, and 7) Establish and strengthen CP coordination mechanisms.