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Ethiopia: Child Protection/Gender Based Violence Sub Cluster, 5Ws (Mapping Matrix) - Guidance Note, February 2016


What is 5Ws (MappingMatrix)for?

  • The 5Ws tool (Who is Where doing What, When and for Whom) is designed for various purposes to support the information management of the humanitarian response. For the purpose of this exercise, 5Ws is used only for mapping and monitoring the Child Protection and Gender Based Violence interventions and results (outputs).

  • The tool helps in collecting data on the operational presence and results achieved (outputs) of Child Protection and Gender Based Violence in Emergencies organizations. Once analyzed, the data collected provide information on response status, gaps, overlaps, etc.

  • The analysis will be circulated to the Child Protection Sub Working Group and Gender Based Violence Sub Cluster.

Why the mapping exercise is important?

The mapping exercise allows the child protection actors to:

  • Gaining a clear understanding of the child protection interventions carried out by organizations working in different areas and their target groups.

  • Laying the groundwork for a systematic information sharing process.

  • Provides a real time analysis of the child protection response for effective planning and monitoring