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Ethiopia + 1 more

Ethiopia: Camp Profile Gambella - Okugo Refugee Camp (April 2020)



The Okugo Refugee Camp is located in the southern part of Gambella region, Western Ethiopia, and hosts South Sudanese refugees of whom majority come from Jonglei state fleeing ethnic conflict. The main ethnic groups are Anuak (64%), Murle (32%) and others (4%). The refugees are mainly farmers and pastoralists.


  • 25 hectares of land for pilot crop production was made available. It has been demarcated and partitioned and handed over to 50 beneficiaries both from Murle, Anyuak and other minorities have been selected and verified.

  • COVID-19 taskforce and technical committee meeting conducted. Community sanitization, key messages on COVID 19 prevention, transmission and symptoms were disseminated to the refugee community through refugee structures as well as using megaphones.

  • DRC has received funding from ECHO that could boost the current efforts in the fight against COVID-19. As such, construction of 110 household latrines, provision of multipurpose soap, Jerrycan, production and distribution of IEC material for POC as well as provision of protective materials (Sanitizer, Face mask, gloves) for staff and social works will be part of the project.