Jewi Refugee Camp was established on 15 March 2015 and hosts refugee relocated from Leitchour and Nip Nip following floods that left refugees in both locations homeless. This led to the establishment of the camp which offered home for refugees to settle and live in safety and dignity. Leitchour was established in late February in 2014 and received refugees relocated from Ethiopian border entry points of Akobo, Pagak, and Burbiey.
Recent Developments
As response to COVID 19 pandemic preventive measures, a task force was established (ARRA, UNHCR and partners) with roles and responsibilities to play during general food distribution to ensure observation of minimum COVID 19 preventive measures during GFD exercises. Hand washing exercises was practiced throughout GFD as handwashing facilities and continues information campaign on COVID 19 prevention, symptoms and mitigation in public areas was carried out.
UNHCR and its partners continue delivering of basic international protection and humanitarian assistance without interruption to persons of concern.