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EPSTC Providing Post-Conflict Recovery Training for African Peacekeepers

Addis Ababa October 5/2018 Training on post-conflict recovery is being given to peacekeepers from nine African countries at the Ethiopian Peace Support Training Center (EPSTC).

Opening the 9th round training today, Peace Keeping Main Department Acting Director Birgadier-General Habtamu Tilahun said concrete and sustainable post-conflict reconstruction is required to address the interlinked causes of political violence and under-development, and prevent relapse into conflict in the Horn of Africa.

The post-conflict recovery course is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and tools used in conflict analysis, peace building and conflict transformation process aimed at fostering post-conflict recovery, rehabilitation and development, he added.

Birgadier-General Habtamu noted that the skills will be enhanced through review of relevant theories, exposure and exploration of evidence-based experience from participants in order to provide variety of methods of conflict recovery and rehabilitation.

Participants are expected to gain ideas and methods on conflict recovery in the respective countries and areas of their responsibilities, according to the acting director.

Japan’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Daisuke Matsunaga said the security situation in Africa is precarious, as 7 of 14 UN peacekeeping missions are found in Africa.

However, there are some recent occurrences, like normalization of relation between Ethiopia and Eritrea and peace celebration ceremony in South Sudan, he added.

Moreover, Matsunaga said, it is common for countries to revert to conflict during the period of post-conflict.

Therefore, the course focuses on the period of post-conflict and the main purpose is to provide participants with knowledge and skills in order to avoid a return to violent conflict, he elaborated.

The government of Japan and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) supported the Ethiopian Peace Support Training Center to prepare the course being attended by 27 peacekeeping officers.