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Emergency Nutrition Response in Ethiopia: Amhara (As of 10 October 2017)



13 out of 129 woredas classified as hotspot 1 (severely affected districts)*
Population estimated to be 21 million (CSA projection)
458,000 children and PLW with MAM expected in 2017**
40,000 children with SAM expected in 2017**

UNICEF is supporting the Government of Ethiopia for emergency response.

Overview of Region

• Amhara receives short belg rains from February to May. The main rainy season, kiremt, falls between June-September, affecting the main meher harvest in November-December. The dry bega season spans typically between October and February in the region, while bringing a wetter weather over the southern part of the country. Admissions tend to increase during the main hunger gap in the third quarter of the year.

• In Jan-Aug 2017, 12% of total SAM admissions were reported from Amhara, a slight decrease from 16% in 2016.