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Annan calls for peaceful resolution of Ethiopia election dispute

In the days since Ethiopia's disputed elections sparked a wave of violent street protests in the capital, Addis Ababa, United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has spoken several times to both Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and opposition leaders in that country, according to a statement issued by a UN spokesman.

"[The Secretary-General] urged a peaceful resolution of the situation, the statement said, adding that "he called for respect for the electoral outcome."

Mr. Annan will continue to monitor the situation closely, according to the statement.

Just two days ago, Mr. Annan condemned the violence in Addis Ababa, which had resulted in the shooting and reported killing of a number of demonstrators by security forces.

At that time, he urged all parties involved to support the efforts of Ethiopia's National Election Board which is investigating the allegations of election irregularities, and to commit themselves firmly to accept the final results that will be announced after the investigation is completed.