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WHO Eswatini 4th quarter newsletter, December 2024, Issue 4


This newsletter highlights the efforts of the World Health Organization (WHO) in supporting the Kingdom of Eswatini during the fourth quarter of 2024. With guidance and technical assistance from WHO, the Kingdom has made significant advancements in the health sector.

Key achievements during this period include:

  • Implementation of DHIS2: This initiative enhances health data capture and utilization, improving overall health management.
  • Harmonized Health Facility Assessment: The country successfully conducted this assessment, which is an upgraded version of the Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA).
  • AVoHC SURGE Volunteer Training: WHO completed the training of volunteers who are now prepared to be deployed for emergency response within the African region.
  • Collaboration on Health Campaigns: WHO worked alongside various stakeholders to commemorate important health initiatives.