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WFP Eswatini Country Brief, October 2024


In Numbers

170 mt of food assistance distributed

USD 22,621 worth value vouchers made to Home Grown School Feeding eggs and vegetables retailers.

USD 5.3 million six months net funding requirements, representing 64 percent of the total requirement (November to March 2025)

33,025 people assisted in October 2024

Operational Updates

Home-Grown School Feeding

• WFP launched the implementation of its HomeGrown School Feeding (HGSF) initiative, focused on providing eggs and vegetables in partnership with vendors from the Eswatini National Agriculture Union, the National Agriculture Marketing Board, and Kitale.

• By October 2024, this program has positively impacted the nutrition of 24,189 school children while supporting 669 local smallholder farmers, 410 of whom are women. This initiative emphasizes empowerment and sustainable income generation for local farmers.

• To ensure smooth operations during the implementation phase, WFP provided technical support and training to vendors in the use of Digital Payment Printer (DPP) and Point of Service (POS) equipment, enhancing efficiency and accountability within the program.

Climate Proof and Resilient Livelihood Project

• WFP conducted a baseline assessment at Mpolonjeni community in the Lubombo region, whose findings will assist identify gaps and challenges which are faced by smallholder farmers. The report from the assessment will assist guide WFP upscale capacity-building support in specific areas.

• WFP continues giving financial and capacity development support to 36 farming groups in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture, NAMBoard, National Maize Corporation, Eswatini National Agriculture Union and Central Financial Inclusion.