In Numbers
141 mt of food assistance distributed
USD 30,168 cash-based transfers made
USD 5.6 million six months net funding requirements, representing 70% of total requirement (August to January 2025)
51,259 people assisted in July 2024
Operational Updates
Children Social Food Safety Net
• WFP, in support of the Deputy Prime Minister’s Office, provided social safety nets for 26,597 orphans and vulnerable children, 12,983 boys and 13,614 girls. The children were given one warm meal a day to meet their acute food needs. Through the support, WFP distributed a total of 75.801 mt of food.
• As part of WFP’s support for the Neighbourhood Care Points (NCPs), WFP consulted 131 NCPs caregivers for a Caregivers’ livelihood support programme. WFP engaged the Ministry of Agriculture to provide training to supporting caregivers to boost their livelihoods as an incentive for their contribution.
Home-Grown School Feeding
• WFP supported the Ministry of Education and Training School Feeding Programe by distributing 177 mt of food (cereal, pulses and oil) to 50 schools reaching 24,392 students (12,750 boys and 11,912 girls).
• The WFP Eswatini Office has undertaken three Food Safety and Quality (FSQ) trainings reaching 48 cooks, 50 headteachers, and 50 school feeding focal teachers.
Topics covered include FSQ fundamentals, storage & handling of vegetables and eggs, Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF) progress, Monitoring & Evaluation tools, monitoring and data collection roles and responsibilities.
• WFP initiated soliciting vendors for the implementation of eggs and vegetables to the 50-HGSF schools. Five vendors were targeted.