In Numbers
237mt of food assistance distributed
US$2.25 m six months (Aug 2018-Jan 2019) net funding requirements, representing 63% of total requirements
54,278 people assisted in August 2018
Operational Updates
HIV and Nutrition:
• WFP provides assistance to people living with HIV and TB through the Food by Prescription programme. WFP and the Government aim to improve treatment and recovery outcomes by mainstreaming nutrition into HIV and TB support services. The programme offers nutrition assessments, counselling and support services to malnourished clients receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART), treatment for TB, or the prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services, as well as support to their families through a monthly household ration.
• Due to lack of funds, the project has been halted indefinitely leaving about 24,000 people without vital support, including 4,000 clients who receive specific nutritional support needed to rehabilitate malnutrition sustain treatment. The project previously received funding from the Global Fund through the Government of Eswatini.
• WFP is further supporting the Ministry of Health in its evidence generation agenda to assess the impact of nutrition on HIV and TB treatment outcomes with a view to support advocacy efforts of investment in nutrition.
Social protection for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC):
• WFP provides a social safety net for young orphans and vulnerable children in the form of nutritious onsite meals reaching around 55,000 orphans and vulnerable children under eight years of age who attend neighbourhood care points (NCPs), many of whom live with relatives or in child-headed households.
• NCPs provide a safe place for boys and girls to equally access food and basic social services, such as early childhood education, psycho-social support and basic health services.
• WFP is also supporting the Ministry of Education and Training in evaluating the national school feeding programme with the overall objective of ensuring that the programme is well-targeted, evidence-based, nutrition-sensitive and shock responsive.