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Estonia + 1 more

Regional Refugee Response Plan for the Ukraine Situation: Inter-Agency Operational Update - Mid-year report of activities and achievements in 2024 - Estonia


Since 24 February 2022, 54,000 refugees from Ukraine have been registered for temporary protection (TP) in Estonia, constituting some 3 per cent of the host country population. As of July 2024, 32,400 remained actively registered with TP status. From the outset of the war in Ukraine, the Estonian Government and civil society have responded with steadfast solidarity towards refugees from Ukraine including by providing access to employment and public services.

Challenges facing refugees from Ukraine include access to suitable accommodation, access to decent work, as well as access to medical support and language training. Fourteen partners implement the Refugee Response Plan (RRP) to provide protection and assistance to refugees in Estonia and advocate for their inclusion. In 2024, Estonia was included in the Ukraine RRP, complementing the government-led response, and outlining the multipartner and multi-sector response strategy.

This mid-year report provides an overview of RRP partner activities in the first half of 2024. The RRP, which provides all actors with a common plan and appeal, aims to address the needs of 32,400 Ukrainians with temporary protection status in Estonia. While funding constraints did not allow all partners to fully implement their plans, at mid-year, around 10,000 persons had received humanitarian assistance through UNHCR and its partners.