No highlights for the week in reference.
The Operations Section is in the process of revising the tasking system for all Force and contractor components of the FMAC. The aim is to effectively streamline all FMAC operational tasking and reporting procedures. At the same time, the Section is in the process of devising a new EOD tasking system for both the PK Force and the contractors.
In Sector West, the collection of tracking data, where possible, continues. Reconnaissance activities for the PK Force flail tasks continue as well.
The EOD Team deployed to Sector Central to conduct demolition operations. They destroyed eight UXOs. Upon request by INDBAT, the EOD Team also dealt with a UXO (82 mm mortar) located in the INDBAT area. The Operations Section completed all necessary arrangements to deploy the EOD Team to Sector West during the period 3-7 March 2003 to conduct activities in the areas around Barentu and Tesseney.
The PO Demining for Demarcation filled in for the MALO in Addis Ababa. He participated in various meetings there with UNDP, MoFA and EMAO to introduce and discuss the details concerning the demining tasks south of the TSZ.
Medical Coordination: The Medical Coordinator conducted medical training for the medics of the UNDP-managed Landmine Impact Survey (LIS). The objective of the training was to teach the 14 medic-students the basic techniques and skills for dealing with a mine-related accident. The course included theoretical and practical training covering basic topics such as refresher course in cardio pulmonary resuscitation/ basic life support; oxygen therapy/equipment training; infectious diseases; procedures at the scene of the accident; health and hygiene, etc. The Medical Coordinator also made the necessary arrangements to travel to Assab during the period 3-7 March 2003 to visit the Kenyan contingency's medical team.
The Information Section conducted business as usual during the week in reference, including basic maintenance work, troubleshooting, virus scanning, software installation as well as ongoing entry of mine-related data into the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) with a continued focus on minefields reported by the EDF. 44 EDF-reported minefields were entered this week.
The Information Section continued to experience some problems with IMSMA. These minor problems are not affecting the work of the Section. It is believed that the problems will be eliminated once the new version of IMSMA has been installed. This installation is to occur shortly.
The Section continued to work on the out-phasing of the Russian maps. The Section verified all recently formed altitude units for the new set of maps. Before the official release of the new maps, the appropriate color schemes and edge-controls must be determined and integrated. The Section intends to work on this shortly.
The Head of the Information Section returned from home leave on 28 February 2003.
NOTE: Maps from the Information Section are made available to customers 24 hours from request.
No mine incidents were reported last week. UNMEE personnel are reminded to report any UXO or mine related incident to the nearest MACC Sector Office, Force Unit or UNMO Team Site. Capacity exits within these elements to conduct investigations, complete IMSMA report forms and forward these reports to the UNMEE MACC.
The MRE Team in Sector West continued to conduct MRE sessions around the area of Adi-Keshi. The second MRE Team remained at the MACC HQ where it continued to prepare MRE educational booklets.
The FMAC's HQ MRE staff conducted mine awareness training for Military Observers and the PK Force at the following team sites: Barentu Sector HQ, Om Hajer, Shilalo, Badme and Shambiko. They were issued updated maps of their respective Sector as well as Landmine and UXO Safety Handbooks. The MRE staff also provided mine risk education at the MACC HQ to new arrivals of the Mission, including 35 military observers and 11 civilians.
NOTE: The UNMEE MACC conducts MRE Briefings every THIRD Thursday of the month for interested and newly arrived civilians in the Mission. For Military Observers, the MACC conducts briefings more regularly. For time and location, please contact LtCol David Momanyi at the MACC at Ext. 2214.
The Landmine Impact Survey (LIS)
The LIS Technical Advisor conducted and supervised a basic driving training course for the LIS drivers with the aim to improve their driving skills as well as to select new drivers. The Technical Advisor also conducted radio training for the LIS in preparation for their deployment into the field. The LIS's medics participated in a basic medical training course that was conducted by the MACC Medical Coordinator (See above 'Medical Coordination' under Operations section). In addition, the LIS Team reviewed supervisory tasks and made the necessary arrangements and plans to start operations in an estimated 44 communities in Zoba Maakel and the surrounding Sub-zobas of Anseba and Debub. These operations will begin on 3 March 2003.
Victim Assistance
The Victim Assistance Technical Advisor (VA TA) worked closely with an Italian donor, AIFO, who visited Eritrea during 24-28 February 2003. The VA TA made the necessary arrangements for the first visit by the only psychiatrist in the country to travel to Assab to provide psychosocial support to mine/UXO victims in the South Red Sea Zoba. The doctor intends to screen 200 patients during his visit there. The VA TA also made contact with the St Martin's College of Education in the UK to discuss possibilities for future collaboration in an inclusive education project. In addition, the VA TA contacted the Ministry of Health in Cambodia to discuss their orthopedic database, which could also maximize human and equipment capacity in the three Eritrean workshops. Finally, the VA TA identified preliminary timelines for data analysis of the National Survey for the People with Disability in Eritrea.