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UNICEF Eritrea Humanitarian Situation Report No. 19, 1 January - 30 June 2022



UNICEF Eritrea in partnership with implementing partners from Government of Eritrea reached in total of over 230,000 children:

  • 241,004 children and women were provided with access to essential life-saving health care services.

  • Through the Community-led total sanitation (CLTS) approach, 238 villages declared Open Defecation Free (ODF) reaching 171,292 people, which represents 85.74 percent of rural communities in Eritrea.

  • However, 58% funding gap evidenced in HAC 2022 appeal resulted in some annual targets yet to be reached. For example, 90% of the annually targeted pregnancies have yet to attend the fourth antenatal visit. 590 households yet to receive cash transfer.


N/A Children in need of humanitarian assistance

N/A People in need of humanitarian assistance

600,000 Children to be reached

1,200,000 People to be reached