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Eritrea: Various development programs implemented in Nacfa sub-zone

Nacfa, 12 December 2009 - Various development programs were implemented in Nacfa sub-zone this year, and that others are in the process of implementation, according to Mr. Idris Ali Sheker, Administrator of the sub-zone.

The programs focused on construction of schools, implementation of potable water supply project, digging of wells, soil and water conservation, renovation of roads and the planting of tree seedlings, among others. There are also plans to implement potable water supply project in Abelo administrative area, while elementary, junior and secondary schools would be constructed in the administrative areas of Mariet, Beyan, Nacfa, Endilal, Baqlan and Laban. The project is under implementation in the first three localities.

Meanwhile, a 70 Km.-long road running from Nacfa to Rora which was damaged by heavy rains is being renovated through Roddab Construction Company.

Also in line with efforts to boost agricultural production, about 650 quintals of select seeds of wheat and barley have been distributed to the farming community in the sub-zone, besides the planting of 21,000 tree seedlings, Mr. Idris stated. He further indicated that about 4,500 cubic meters of embankments and 7,000 meter-long terraces have been put in place in the administrative areas of Mariet, Baqla, Endilai and Laban. Ploughing, weeding and harvesting activities were also undertaken in support of families of fallen heroes.

The head of the PFDJ in the Northern Red Sea region, Mr. Idris Saleh, gave briefings on the objective political, economic and social situation in the country. He called on the general public to back up the ongoing national development drive.