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El Salvador

WFP El Salvador Country Brief June 2023


In Numbers

USD 729,120 cash-based transfers made*

USD 9.6 m six months (July - December 2023) net funding requirements, representing 59 percent of total

23,636 people assisted* in JUNE 2023

Operational Updates

• WFP provided emergency food assistance to 23,440 beneficiaries (53 percent women) affected by climate hazards and global economic crises in the provinces of Usulután, San Miguel and La Unión. WFP delivered a monthly cash transfer of USD 120 per household to cover their immediate food needs for three months (July-September 2023).

• WFP supported 370 smallholder farmers to establish and maintain community poultry farms and fostered community organization under its resilience-building project in the department of La Unión. These beneficiaries were assisted last year through early recovery actions after being affected by climate shocks.

• WFP distributed USD 16,145 on behalf of the nongovernmental organization EDUCO as cash-based transfers service provision to assist 240 beneficiaries affected by forced displacement, migration, and other forms of violence nationwide.

• WFP organized a boot camp in the Province of La Unión to select young people for the next GastroLab (WFP gastronomic certification) programme to improve youth’s employment skills to access the labour market.

• On 15 June, the National Council for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (CONAIPD) visited the Gastro-Lab cooking laboratory in the Department of Santa Ana. The objective was to review the suitability of the facilities for persons with disabilities to facilitate their inclusion in the programme.