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El Salvador

PAHO/WHO Situation Report - 13 November 2009



  • Heavy persistent rains due the tropical depression associated with Hurricane Ida caused widespread flooding and mudslides in El Salvador, affecting 8 Departments in the South/Central parts of the country.
  • Country had reported H1N1 & Dengue outbreaks prior to event.

Impact (information to 11/11/09 1800)

  • Number of affected people: 75,000 (15,000 families)
  • 157 deaths reported; 58 persons are missing.
  • More than 10,000 have been evacuated.


  • 14,166 persons are being housed in 129 shelters.
  • The Department of La Paz reported the largest number of sheltered persons.
  • Shelter Health: 13,874 consultations reported.
  • Main conditions: acute respiratory infections, skin infections, diarrheal diseases, bacterial conjunctivitis, anxiety, injuries, and pneumonia.

Health Sector

  • 25 Health Care Facilities reported damaged
  • 1,319 have been seen at Hospitals


  • Surveillance established at shelters
  • 2 Epidemiologists with expertise in communicable disease being mobilized by PAHO.

Water & Sanitation

  • Water purification tablets and water purification kits have been sent from PAHO regional stockpile.
  • Well cleaning activities underway

PAHO/WHO Response

  • Mobilization of disaster response team comprising Disaster Coordinator, Logistician, Communications expert, Mental health advisor, LSS SUMA expert in country since 11/9
  • Additional team members joining
    o 11/13/09 - Disaster Coordinator, Water & Sanitation advisor;
    o 11/14/09 LSS SUMA (3); Water & Sanitation advisor, Epidemiologist, Health Services Advisor
    o 11/16/09 - Disaster Coordinator
  • Mobilization of 8,000 treatments of Oseltamivir; 100,000 water treatment tablets, 7 HACH (Water testing) kits, 40 copies Mental Health Guidelines from PAHO stockpile in Panama
  • PAHO has released $170,000 ($50k from core funds, $120k from Spain) for immediate emergency assistance.